
How to Overcome Pet Obesity: Key Causes and Solutions

How to overcome obesity in pets

While feeding your pet, you might have a habit of giving extras.

Extra food, extra cheese, extra fruits,.. Countless extras just to ensure your pet is well-fed.

As pet owners, your concern is always justified; you want to see your pet healthy! But do you know that these extra servings might not contribute to pet health but rather to pet obesity?

Pet obesity is a growing concern nowadays. According to a survey by FMT Malaysia Today, 45% of dog owners and 40% of cat owners reveal that their pets receive 45 minutes or less of exercise a day.

A study conducted in 2022 depicts 59% of dogs and 61% of cats as being overweight or obese. These alarming statistics highlight the need for pet owners and veterinarians to address and act on this issue.

Pet obesity can be a silent epidemic that affects your pet’s overall health. To address this issue early is the ultimate solution to this problem.

In this blog, we will deep dive into the reasons for obesity and the ways to prevent this issue.

Common Reasons for Obesity

Obesity can affect your pet’s health and can cause various health problems. Here are the top reasons for obesity.


This is the major cause, as most of the pet owners feed their dogs with excess food which affects their mental and physical health as well. Many pet owners underestimate the portion size and end up giving extra and large portions of food to their pets. This affects their overall health and causes serious health issues.

Lack of exercise

Lack of physical is the major contributor to pet obesity. Just like humans, pets also require physical exercise to maintain a healthy weight. Due to lifestyle changes, many pet owners are restricted from walking their dogs daily which affects their overall health. Pet owners must consider dog walking a part of their daily routine.

Emotional stress

As humans, pets also experience various emotions. Sometimes these emotions can damage health and lead to unusual stress in pets. This can be seen in behavior changes like irritation, results in overeating, and weight gain over some time.

Preventive Measures of Obesity

To make your pet healthy and free from obesity, here are some of the preventive measures to ensure their good health.
Balanced diet and nutrition

Balanced diet and nutrition

To keep your pet healthier, a balanced diet is important for your pet. The diet includes essential nutrients, minerals, and proteins to keep them fit and healthy. Healthy nutrition ensures good body functioning, maintains energy levels, and prevents obesity.
Regular physical activity

Regular physical activity

A healthy body can function better than an unhealthy body. Regular exercise ensures that your pet is physically and mentally fit. This keeps them active and promotes healthy well-being. 30 minutes of walking every day can bring significant change in your pet’s life.
Veterinary check-ups

Veterinary check-ups

Routine vet visits are essential to monitor your pet’s health and weight. Feed your pet with the tailored diet suggested by your veterinarian to ensure a healthy lifestyle. But remember not to be too harsh with your pet if they have already gained weight. Weight loss is a gradual process and you must ensure patience to see effective results.
Healthy treats

Healthy treats

Healthy treats are the best way to reduce weight naturally. Provide your dog with low-calorie treats like fruits and vegetables to ensure effective weight management. Try to give a limited quantity to maintain a balanced and healthy diet for your pet.
Limit the treats

Limit the treats

If you are always feeding your pet with various treats this can be the major cause of obesity. You should limit their treats and give them low-calorie food, as excess of anything is bad. Give your pet the best nutrition with the right proteins and minerals to keep them healthy.

How to Maintain Long-Term Health of Your Pet

Your pet’s health matters the most and as a responsible owner, you must address the changes that happen in their body. Maintaining long-term health is a combination of balanced nutrition, regular exercise, and veterinary checkups. You need to be consistent and open to changes that occur in the pet’s body.

Good health maintenance is a long-term job and it should be achieved with proper care and patience. Fast runaways often lead to in-between paths and don’t lead to the best outcomes. So keep your calmness and patience in check and give your pet the time to adjust to the changes.

Final Thoughts

In summary, pet obesity can be a growing and major issue nowadays and it is important to address it at the right time. Seeking professional help at the right time is highly recommended. Veterinary services not only help to regulate weight but ensure the overall good health of your furry companion. Since Weight loss is a gradual journey, it needs to be closely monitored at every stage. Any one-time or quick remedies can’t work out, your pet needs effective and regular help with the right guidance.

Boonuu- Your Pet’s Perfect Companion, we envision a world where every pet receives the care and attention they deserve. We offer a wide range of services like pet consultation, grooming, and boarding all aimed at ensuring a healthy lifestyle for your pet. With guidance from our expert veterinarians, your pet can overcome obesity and enjoy a healthy and happy life.

By Boonuu

At Boonuu, our mission is to revolutionize the pet industry by creating a seamless, one-stop platform that connects pet owners, service providers, and pet lovers. We believe that every wag of a tail and every purr deserves the best care and attention.

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